The Six Step Process gives the user the option to manually switch between any Deal Steps. Complete a Step by finishing or ignoring all Activities in the Step. Negotiate Terms Step will unlock when the Seller has accepted a Buyer's LOI / Term Sheet. Once the Seller has accepted the terms sheet from the Buyer, other Buyers are locked out of the system. You may click on all steps to preview what types of activities will be in them. These are subject to change during the course of your transaction, depending on user input.
Buyers will have the ability to review the documents uploaded in Prepare for Sale (Initial Due Diligence) but will only have the ability to participate in Negotiate Terms, Final Due Diligence, Legal Documentation, and Transition to New Owner steps.
The order of the Steps is as follows:
Prepare For Sale
Find A Buyer
Negotiate Terms
Final Due Diligence
Legal Documentation
Transition To New Owner